Running Tests

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Tests are executed using the Stride Runner controlled by a host computer that is physically connected to the target via a configurable communication channel (TCP/IP or serial port). The application software is required to be running, including the Stride Runtime, enabling a connection between the Runner and Runtime.

Block diagram

Connection Block Diagram

Invoking the Runner (aka stride) from a console

 stride --database="%STRIDE_DIR%\SDK\Windows\out\TestApp.sidb" --device=TCP:localhost:8000 --run="*"

or for Linux/FreeBSD

 stride --database="$STRIDE_DIR%/SDK/Posix/out/TestApp.sidb" --device=TCP:localhost:8000 --run="*"

Option files can be helpful (i.e. my.opt)

 --database "%STRIDE_DIR%\SDK\Windows\out\TestApp.sidb"
 --device TCP:localhost:8000
 stride --options_file my.opt --run "*"

Reviewing your Results

Example Report


In order to run tests, you must provide the following information to stride.exe:

database file
This is the .sidb file that is created by the Stride Compiler during the target build process. This file contains meta-information used to run tests.
device parameters
This tells stride.exe how to connect to the target.
tests to run
A set of Test Units compiled in the database. You may also optionally specify named hierarchical suites in which to put the results of the tests you designate.


Upon test completion, test output is always written as follows:

console output
A quick summary of results is written to standard output. Test counts are shown for the categories of passed, failed, in progress, and not in use
local xml file
Detailed results are written to a local xml file. By default, this file is written to the directory where the input Stride database file is located and given the same name as the database file with an extension of ".xml". If you open this file in a web browser, an xsl transform is automatically downloaded and applied before rendering.

Optionally, you may also publish the results to Test Space upon test completion.