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The stride executable (a.k.a. STRIDE Runner) runs target-based tests from a host computer and optionally uploads results to STRIDE Test Space. The program also can be used to list the names of all Test Units that exist in a STRIDE database file.

The stride executable is available to run on Windows and on Linux x86.

Running Tests

You may specify either built-in diagnostics or user tests to be run.

The built-in diagnostics are useful to validate a new installation. See Running Diagnostics for details.

User tests comprise either sample tests provided by S2 Technologies or tests that you create.


In order to run tests, you must provide the following information to stride.exe:

database file
This is the .sidb file that is created by the Build Tools during the target build process. This file contains meta-information used to run tests.
device parameters
This tells stride.exe how to connect to the target.
tests to run
Unless you are running the diagnostic tests (using the --diagnostics option) the tests compiled in the database would run. You may also optionally specify named hierarchical suites in which to put the results of the Test Units you designate.

Default Behavior

By default, all Test Units in the specified database are run, and the all results are put into the root suite. It is not necessary to explicitly specify Test Units unless you want to override the default behavior.

Test Unit Run Order

If implicitly specified by a wildcard, Test Units are run in the order in which their corresponding SCL pragmas were seen by the STRIDE compiler.

If explicitly specified, Test Units are run in the order in which they are given on the command line.

Test Unit Specification Rules

  • Test Units are specified by name or wildcard and grouped together within curly braces, i.e. "{" and "}"
  • When specifying more than one Test Unit in a group, each Test Unit instance (or wildcard) must be delimited by a semicolon.
  • When a Test Unit accepts parameters they could be passed following the Test Unit name in parentheses comma separated, i.e. "myTU(param1, param2)"
  • The output of each Test Unit group is placed within a hierarchy of named suites. (The root suite does not have a name.)
  • The suite into which a Test Unit group is placed is specified immediately before the group, e.g. suitepath{testunitgroup}
  • Hierarchical suite paths are delimited by "/" (forward slash) and are always specified starting from the root.
  • If the same Test Unit is specified to be run more than once, and one or more results are to be written to the same suite, the each conflicting Test Unit name is appended with an incrementing count in the form of "(n)". For example: Results from three runs of TestUnit "myTU" are all written to the root suite. The Test Units will be reported with the names "myTU" "myTU(1)" and "myTU(2)".

Wildcard Matching

The following wildcard characters are recognized in Test Unit specifications:

  • * (asterisk) matches all Test Units
  • - (hyphen) matches all remaining Test Units (useful when putting Test Units into suites)

Test Unit Specification Examples

-r /{*}
Run all Test Units and put results into the root-level suite.
-r /Suite{*}
Run all tests and put results into a suite named "Suite" that is a child of the root suite.
-r /{TU1;TU2;TU3}
Run the Test Units named "TU1", "TU2", and "TU3" in the designated order; put results into the root suite.
-r /{TU1;TU2;TU3} -r /SecondPass{TU1}
Run the Test Units named "TU1", "TU2", and "TU3" in the designated order; put results into the root suite. Then run the Test Unit named "TU1" again and put the results into a suite named "SecondPass".
-r /{TU1;TU2;TU3} -r /Remaining{-}
Run the Test Units named "TU1", "TU2", and "TU3" in the designated order; put results into the root suite. Then run all remaining Test Units and put the results into a suite named "Remaining".
-r "/Suite1/Suite2{TUa; TUb}"
Run the Test Units named "TUa" and "TUb", and put the results into a suite named "Suite2" that is a child of a suite named "Suite1" that is a child of the root. Note that we must enclose the specification in quotes since the specification contains a space.
-r "/{TUa(29); TUb(5.67, \"some text\")}"
Run the Test Units named "TUa" with parameter 29 and "TUb" with parameters 5.67 and "some text", and put the results into the root suite. Note that we must enclose the specification in quotes since the specification contains spaces and embedded quotes (which needs to be escaped using backslash).
-r "TUx; TUy; TUz"
This is a special convenience syntax. If the suite and grouping braces are omitted, the app runs the the named Test Units and puts their results put into the root suite.


Upon test completion, test output is always written as follows:

console output
A quick summary of results is written to standard output. Test counts are shown for the categories of passed, failed, in progress, and not in use
local xml file
Detailed results are written to a local xml file. By default, this file is written to the directory where the input STRIDE database file is located and given the same name as the database file with an extension of ".xml". If you open this file in a web browser, an xsl transform is automatically downloaded and applied before rendering.

Optionally, you may also publish the results to your STRIDE Test Space upon test completion.

Test Space
Results are uploaded using your Test Space URL and login credentials. You must specify the testspace name and project name when using this option.


   stride [options] [TU...]

Each command line option that accepts an argument should be entered with a space between the option and its corresponding arguement; i.e.

stride -o argument --option1 argument1

Any warnings or errors that occur during execution are written to the standard output device.


Option Description
--version Prints version information to the console.
--database arg Specifies the name of an existing STRIDE database (.sidb) file that will be used for test execution. This can be a relative or absolute path. If the path contains one or more spaces, it must be enclosed in quotes.
--device arg Specifies the parameters to be used to connect to the target device (i.e. TCP:host:port or COMport:rate:mode). For example:
  • TCP:localhost:8000
  • COM7:28800:8N1
  • /dev/ttyS2:57600:8N1
--timeout arg (=0) Specifies a watchdog timeout (in seconds) per single test execution step.

Default value is 0. (0 = infinite timeout)

-r [ --run ] arg Specifies a list of Test Units to execute and their order of execution with optional report grouping by suite. You may specify this option many times on the command line to include multiple groupings in a single test. A named Test Suite may be specifed more than once to run it multiple times. See Input section above for more details.

Any nameless positional option is threated as this option.

-u [ --upload ] arg (=all)] Specifies if and how to upload the results to STRIDE Test Space. Arg specifies type of upload;

The following types of uploads are supported:

  • "all" - This causes a new result set to be created and marked complete. This is the most commonly needed upload type, so it is the default behavior. The remaining upload types are used to aggregate results of multiple executions into a single result set.
  • "start" - This is used to create a new result set and mark it incomplete. An upload of this type should be followed by zero or more uploads that add results and one final upload that finishes the result set.
  • "add" - This is used to add more data to an existing incomplete result set. The result set will still be marked incomplete after this upload type.
  • "finish" - This is used to add more data to an existing incomplete result set and mark it complete. This is the last step in creating a result set from multiple executions.

Default value is "all".

--testspace arg Specifies the root STRIDE Test Space URL and credentials. (i.e.
--project arg Specifies the name of the STRIDE Test Space project to which the results will be uploaded
--space arg Specifies the name of the STRIDE Test Space project's test space.
--name arg Specifies the name to be given to the result set uploaded to STRIDE Test Space. If this option is omitted, a default name of "Sequence_n" is used where n is an auto-incremented integer.
--list Lists all Test Units in the specified STRIDE database to standard out.
--diagnostics Performs a set of built-in diagnostic tests on the target. See Running STRIDE Diagnostics for details.
--verbose Prints detailed progress messages.
--nocontinue Causes the runner to exit immediately if a test method fails with one or more srEXITxx assertion. Default behavior is to continue executing the remaining test units.
-o [ --output ] arg Specifies the local file to which test results will be written.

Default output file is given the same name as the input database file (with the .sidb file extension replaced by .xml), and is written to the input database file's directory.

-O [--options_file] arg Specifies a file from which the program reads command line options. The format is the same as the command line except that options may be split across multiple lines. Lines in an options file that begin with the character '#' are ignored.

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are recognized by the application and their values used as shown if set. [1] Any value specifed by an environment variable will be overridden if the corresponding value is specified on the command line.

specifies the --device argument
specifies the --testspace argument
specifies the --project argument
specifies the --space argument

Setting up environment variable for static options will streamline the use of stride.

Using a Proxy

If you access the Internet via an HTTP proxy, you must set the environment variables HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY to specify the name and port of the proxy server.

Symptoms of needing to specify a proxy is the following errors:

Activation error: 132 Unable to connect to Cannot connect to specified URL (-132)
Unable to proceed. Failed performing request: [6] Couldn’t resolve host name

The environment variables are set with the value name:port corresponding to your proxy server. For example, on Windows:

> set HTTP_PROXY=myproxy:8765

would instruct the stride runner to use the proxy named myproxy on port 8765 to communicate via HTTP protocol.

License Activation

The stride executable requires a valid license to run. For more information, see Activating Your STRIDE License.


Refer to Running Test Units for additional examples.
