Scl function

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The SCL function pragma allows capturing a global function for doubling or remoting. During the build process the Stride Compiler generates IM source code that provides the correct logic for the test.

int foo(int x); 

void boo(void);

#pragma scl_function(foo)
#pragma scl_function(boo, "DEFINITION", "IMPLICIT", "TEST_GROUP")


The scl_function pragma allows the user to capture a function. When captured for the purpose of interception (in which case the term intercept-able is used throughout the documentation) optional arguments allow specification of how the intercept should be executed. The Instrument Build Tool will use those options to generate appropriate function interception code.

#pragma scl_function(function-name [,context, name-mangling, group-id])

Parameters Type Description
function-name Identifier Name of the function to capture.
context String Optional. Context in which the function is going to be intercepted. Possible values are "REFERENCE" - intercept at the function call (aka user) or "DEFINITION" - intercept at the function definition (aka owner).
name-mangling String Optional. Type of name mangling to be used when intercepted. Possible values are "EXPLICIT" or "IMPLICIT".
group-id String Optional. User defined identifier representing the group to which this function belongs when solving name mangling conflicts.


  • The function must be declared as a designator with external linkage.
  • A compilation error is reported if an attempt is made to capture a function more than once (with either scl_func or scl_function).