C++ Only Features

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Use Operator << to Augment Test Macros

In C++ test code Test Point, Test Log and Test Code macros support adding to the annotation using the << operator. For example:

srEXPECT_TRUE(a != b) << "My custom message" << " with more data " << 1234;

As delivered, the macros will support stream input annotations for:

  • all numeric types,
  • C string (char* or wchar_t*), and
  • types allowing implicit cast to numeric type or "C" string.

Overloading the << operator

You can also overload the << operator in order to annotate reports using your own custom type. An example is below.

The following will compile and execute successfully given that the << operator is overloaded as shown:

#include <srtest.h>

// MyCustomClass implementation
class MyCustomClass
   MyCustomClass(int i) : m_int(i) {}

   int m_int; 
   friend stride::Message& operator<<(stride::Message& ss, const MyCustomClass& obj);

stride::Message& operator<<(stride::Message& ss, const MyCustomClass& obj)
   ss << obj.m_int;
   return ss;

void test()
    MyCustomClass custom(34); 

    srEXPECT_FALSE(true) << custom;